Do you Ubuntu?
Buying just one of these bracelets can bring so much change for so many people...
These bracelets are made by women in the Eastern Cape of South Africa whose lives are severely affected by HIV/AIDS. The Orphan Bracelet Campaign sets these women up with the tools and knowledge to create these small works of art. They are then sold across the world.
The profits generated from the sale of these bracelets...
- Feed more than 200 children every day
- Employ approximately 80 women crafters
- Build and sustain permaculture gardens
- Purchase water tank systems
- Allows us to support special project
And believe it or not... these very bracelets can be purchased at The Bibelot! Our gift buyers have about a million ringing their wrists and now that i know this much about the Do Ubuntu bracelets, I'll soon have a few decorating my wrist, too! Oh, and did mention that these bracelets are in the New York Times? Now you gotta get one! Here's a link to purchase them on our online shop...
And in case you were wondering what Ubunto means...
The philosophy of Ubuntu encourages a spirit of cooperation between all people and
promotes mutual respect and understanding.
I'll also include a link to the Orphan Bracelet Campaign's website. It's a great site with lots of information, pics of people that are involved in the program, and uplifting videos. Be sure to check it out... you could help to change a life!
Now I'll ask again, do you Ubuntu?
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